SpongeBob Squarepants.wmv

You all herd abut Spongebob Shatpants well there waz a last episode that waz called "Spongebob iz ded beause he was killd bai the Evil Patrixxx and he gat horny oh crap that just ruined it" dis episud waz supposd to air in April 12 10348174983 but it suked i new caz i was a intern at nickelodion and the meaini boss fired me caz i suked Round things inbetween ur legs trololololol k lets continu dis wait let mi fikx mai spelingar.
Thats better now what i said the episode started
Spongebob woke up and saw patrick outside and said "Ehh patrick want to play jelly feching" Patrick turned around and it turned out to be Evil Patrixxx! and spongebob screamed and runned around and asked me why i keep saying and so then i said "wat" and then i stopped saying "and". Squidward came outside and said dammit i said and again i have to stop. Squidward told patrixxx "hey patrixxx u moron shat ap" then patrixxx jumped and hummped squidwards head and (<----annoyed about that) Patrixxx said "screw you squidfart" then he poopied on squidward's face (sorry if grammar sux) Sandy runs to spongebob crappants house and kicks patrixxx ass but it was a clone and the real Evil Patrixxx (most freaking cliched thing in the whore friking world trolololololololoolo anyways lets continue) the real evil patrixxx killed sandy and raped the body really offensive if you ask me blah blah blah blah blah ahh here we go. Spongebob kicks his house door down and points a shotgun and patrixxx face and shoots in rapidly and misses untill he actually hits his head and it was bleeding. Patrixxx was ded on the floor and spongebob laughed but then- wait dammit i said "and" again nevermind then spongebob kicked his body to a river which makes no damn sense since they live in the ocean but well "f*** it" and then turns out patrixxx was not ded but actually using the dead ringer and he cameback and choked spongebob to death and the episode ended then a skeleton popped out and killed me